Master programs of affiliated universities that include courses related to Recruitment and Selection are listed below.

Erasmus University Rotterdam:
Mastertrack Organisational Psychology
Master course Personnel Selection
The goal of this course is to provide the student with a thorough understanding of theory and practice of personnel selection. The purpose of personnel selection is to help identify the most qualified individual for a job.

Ghent University:
Master of Science in Psychology Main subject: Personnel Management and Industrial Psychology

University of Groningen:
Master program Talent Development & Creativity (Psychology)
In this Master program you will learn about the theoretical approaches to talent development and creativity, and you will be in contact with different organizations in the worlds of sport, business and education so you can learn about their policies on encouraging talent and creativity.

VU University:
Master in Human Resource Management (Business Administration)
The Master focuses on HRM in a contemporary perspective, thereby explicitly highlighting the changing HRM environment. The HRM Master aims to help you develop skills and competencies needed to mobilize employees in contemporary organizations, and focuses on four key processes: employee development, staffing, performance, and diversity. The Master is built on a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, using scientific literature, practical cases, and quantitative data to learn about HRM-related topics.
Master in Work and Organizational Psychology (Psychology)
Work and Organizational Psychology focuses on human behavior within organizations and work situations. Why is one a leader and does the other follow? How can organizations attract ambitious, competent, and trustworthy employees? How can groups and organizations shape diversity? What role should leaders have in that process? How can we design selection procedures that are fair to ethnic groups? These are questions that are central within Work and Organizational Psychology.

Twente University:
Master Educational Science & Technology (Educational Science)
The HRD specialism within the Educational Science & Technology (EST) Master has been built around the following ideas: Integration of research, design, advise and reflection skills; a curriculum in which students get increasing responsibility of his or her own development; and a strong link with the HRD practice and professionals.